October 2013
Contemporary Arts Center
Cincinnati – United States
Ólafur Arnalds played at Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, United States on 4th Oct 2013, and you can let us know what you thought of the event if you attended, or share some photos with us and other fans.
Would love for you to come back and play this venue, which appears to be Memorial Hall. Please come back!
I would love if he came back to Cincinnati. This was my first time ever hearing about him and his music moved me so much during this show.
This was the most incredible concert I have ever gone to. The music was extraordinary and the venue was gorgeous.
I actually have a funny story about this show. About an hour before even the opener was set to start, I had just got in the building and noticed a man peering at the piano in the lobby. I looked at him closely, and realized it was Olafur Arnalds himself. I stepped out for a minute to say hello to some other people who were joining us for the concert, and when I returned he was gone. Alas, my opportunity to meet Olafur himself lost.
but foreal, come back to Ohio
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