October 2013
Harpa - Eldborg
Reykjavík – Iceland
Ólafur Arnalds played at Harpa - Eldborg in Reykjavík, Iceland on 31st Oct 2013, and you can let us know what you thought of the event if you attended, or share some photos with us and other fans.
yep, same here xárene
One moment hovering in the twilight fog of deep winter and in the snap of a branch, dropped in a well with walls seeping echoes, feeling the depth of the entire atmosphere above before being plunged further, the breath arrested then whipped out with such force to become cognizant of being suspended at its end on the wrong side of portholes in icy depths, particle motion frozen in their beams, a single prick, another snap, a gasp, lean back and time realigns.

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