August 2014
Amsterdamse Bos
Amsterdam – Netherlands
Ólafur Arnalds played at Amsterdamse Bos in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 18th Aug 2014, and you can let us know what you thought of the event if you attended, or share some photos with us and other fans.
The atmosphere was amazing, you was super.... It was one of my most beautiful B-day! Thanks for all emotions that you gave us! We are waiting for you in Italy
The song was called "Lag Fyrir Ömmu".
The entire thing was magical. I'm gonna stalk the hell out of your concerts :o

love the last song written as a tribute to grandmother

it was so beatiful
amazingly beautiful...
had a tear dropped on my cheak after the last song ,whitch Olafur played solo;
and vanishing sound of still playing musicians leaving the place...
what is the tittle of the song written as a tribute to grandmother ?
greetings anita from Pl
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