March 2019
La Gare Du Midi
Biarritz – France
Ólafur Arnalds played at La Gare Du Midi in Biarritz, France on 9th Mar 2019, and you can let us know what you thought of the event if you attended, or share some photos with us and other fans.
Muchas gracias por el concierto.Fué una meditación contínua.
Deseando de volverte a escuchar.
Eskerrik Asko
Thank you very very much for the concert. It was and very emotionant experience. All was wonderful and it was like to stay in another paralell dimension of time and space. Incredible. I´m very grateful. I cried in almost the whole concert how excited I was. Luminous work was exquisite. Milesker bihotz bihotzez.
![Added by Izaskun Ãlvarez Gainza](https://olafur-arnalds.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/1650.jpg)
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